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Summary of Question:Real Bani
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/04/2003 6:17 AM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Hello all i thought i would shed my thoughts "again" on whay i have learnt since following the Sikh path. Not too long ago i posted here about my father who took amrit and so he couldnt have any sexual relationship until my mother had also taken it,which i thought was totally wrong. I had a discussion with my grand father about this and he told me it was the Rehit left my guru ji to all his Sikhs but surely he didnt want people to convert to Sikhism for the simple fact to marry, i mean my mom didnt want to take it and isnt ready to follow it but anyways as i debated with him he said im lost im my thoughts and im thinking to much and i shouldnt. This is what i would like to tell people here. Everbody always says Waheguru Jap and do ur banis and you will be fine but what people dont understand is that when you do this it is then you begin to open your mind and realise. To me why should 2 ppl be amritari? Even if one is a muslim and the other a Sikh they have a common Goal, which is GOD. How they wish to get to him is their own choice i feel. Iv heard posts on this site were people have said that mixed marriages are not good but i dont undertand the logic. If we say God does all then he causes this. I mean who cares what the Kid will children follow as they grow up, i would rather they follow their truththen my truth. There is ONE GOD and he does ALL. When we recite these we must undertand that there are no exceptions.
Anyways my point was that many people tell us to do a 5 banis and say waheguru but this isnt correct. When Guru Nanak said to wake in the mornign and ponder over God he didnt mean wake up atke abath and do banis. Reading religious scriptures isnt the answer. Granth Sahib i feel instructs man to wake up, open you eyes and se reality but how many peopel have read the TRUE RELIGIOUS book. The True bani isnt written on paper, nor can it be found anywhere. It canno tbe described to others as it is the bani that is given to the idividual by waheguru. When we ponder and when we prey we communicate with the supreme and then through our action and thoughts do we recieve the real bani. So basically if your cannot do you paht in the mornign or you are learnign then Remeber and Ponder as thsi will gather youy the most important naam of faith. The rest will come in good time. When we debate with older people thinkign they have done more yrs of paht then you, feel we dont undertand. Im 21 yrs old and feel just a wise as any man walking thi splanet. Keep humble but you spirit hight!!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. At 21 just about everyone thinks they have everything figured out. Keep a copy of your comments, and read them again in ten years, and see what you think. SP

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