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Summary of Question:Stressing Sister-In-Law (Nanan)
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/29/2003 12:33 PM MST

Sat Sri Akal.. My sister in law is a pain in my you know what... well i got married in India... And she is the only sister in laws. which i taught thank god...she is stressing me outside... i wake up with her face in front me and she is killing me in my brain 24/7.. well she is like this... she is so rude..first of all i did so much for this girl. i got her everything for her in iindia for her wedding...gave her the best love a bhabi can give her...but she is so rude.... well is like this... when she first got here (actually she got married in india from a guy that from here... when i first went to pick her up from the airport... with me family... you know she didn't even talk to me at all... she just stood with her mother in laws... i felt so bad and i was thinking what is going to my parents think... well then it had been a month.. she got since (she is living 20 minutes away..) not once did she call me at all... so i called her.// everytime i called she would jot my number down and then when i had asked her what happened you never call me she was say oh i lost your number she is living with her in laws... even her mother in law used hug me and all that .. but now she doen't say any thing to me or hug me.. well it has been almost four years .. even when her baby was born my family and i went to her house.. she didn't talk to me or greeted me at all... she just stood with her sister in law... she is so taz...she always back talk to me in front of her in laws...and when i was living with my parents she and her husband was so rude it was they would always sit on top of each other and put finger in each other mouth .. knowing that my parents are there....if i tell her parents in india ... she get mad at me because they don't wanna speak to me because of what i had told them.. when my duaghter was born she never came till it was two months..she mad lame excuses at that time..i mean i felt so bad because that is her first niece and who else did she have in america besides us.. when my husband told his parents but this situation they took their daughters side... while i was pregnant (from the nine months i was pregnant i only recieved 4 phone calls,, and at those phone calls she always wanted me to cceck out what i have).. i told her long as i have a healthy baby.. she borrowed $1200 hundred dollars (which her husband needed it)from her brother which she said she would return bck the following week and she never has been 6 months... she called for my daughter birthday (1st) couple of months ago..oh oh check this out ... you know what when we threw a birthday party for my daughter her husband didn't show up nor her in laws she only came with her jate and jatani.... so rude,,,, and excuse for husband not showing up because since it was saturday and saturday ( he is cab driver) is busy he was out there making money.. nor he called us or has been two months no phone calls and i leant from my lessons that when i do call her she is so rude.. and she gets to me.. she called last sunday to get the new pin code number for india.. hello ...she called for that... i mean is there a path that i can do where i can avoid her and ignore and not even think about.. i swear i got so angery and cry in the nite that why is she doing this to me.. people had told me she is not worth a tear to cry... oh oh ... when she first got here.. you know what she got two piece suit..and you know where did the material came the a piece from the turban...( hot pink plain.. ) and she goes to me you know what i got my (naan) her sister in law 13 silk suits over Rs.6,000 each.. i mean why do you burnt me like that for you idiot i mean why do you have to tell me that for..can you tell me a path which i do.. so that i don't need to be stress over for four years now...please help i don't wanna think about..i mean she never has got my daughter anything at alll..even though she is working she didn't get her anythig...for the past four years that we have been giving, giving, and giving.. well i put a stop to it.. i told her mothe

r about it that i am done with her no more giving her anything at any occassion (lohri,rakhri, and teaaah)..her mother was said to me..well just do little..can you believe daughter is a daughter and i am not important to them at alll.. please give a she can realize she is not bothering and hurt me alot... what a sister in law...i have had it with that you know what...


What would happen if you started to ignore her... then she will want attention. Talk to your husband and let him know you love him and that you are going to ignore any rude behavior from her.... rise above her. She knows that this gets to you... so you must rise above it and not let it get to you

Okay... as for path... sukhmani sahib creates peace in the home.


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