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Summary of Question:Hair
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/18/2003 5:37 PM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa wahe guru ji ke fateh..

pardon me for giving my opinion.. i just felt i should say a few things, as from personal expierience.. my high school was not so big so i never really had to deal with peer pressure.. people were friendly there.. it could also have been like this because me and my brother were the only 2 sikhs there and we answered their questions without any twisted answers.. we gave them straight anwers to why we DONT cut our hair.. not to brag but i was one of the lead players in varsity girls basketball team.. and after try outs i told my coach that i will not shave my legs.. and gave him the reason why so.. and i could wear shorts but i'd prefer if he lets me wear sweat pants.. during the pre-season games and the playoffs.... guess what? my coach talked to authorities and its was fine with everyone that i can wear sweat pants while playing basketball... so all this .. i told you so someone can learn that IF you really depp down inside u want to be a true sikh and keep ur hair.. you can stand up for urself and talk to others to treat u the same as everyone else... its 2003.. there is not impossible in getting yourself accepted in this world.. what i found is that its not the people outside of the community but its the people of our own community who try to offend you and put you down.. but we gotta stand up for ourselves... and for those who are not yet strong enough to stand up for themselves we could do help them... make youth clubs.. there are many right ways to bring up our mates self-esteem..... i do that for my friends and alot of kids i know.. and i love seeing them change and overcome their shyness.... some of them became a whole new person.. its wonderful seeing them .... so believe in urself.. and help others do that same... GOD BLESS ALL


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