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Summary of Question:A Clean Shaven Sikh Vs Amritdhari Sikh
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/06/2002 6:26 AM MDT

There IS One Sikh Who Is Clean Shaven But Has Due Respect For Waheguru, He Does Path Everyday And Is Very God Fearing, Never Speaks Lie, Never Hurts Anyone, Loves Everyone, Sometimes Goes To The Gurudwara Also, He Truely Loves God, Respect God.

And On The Other Side There Is A Sikh Who IS Amritdhari, Has Long Beard And Moustaches N Long Head Hair. HE Just Shows That He is sincere To Waheguru, But The Truth Is That He Is Not Sincere, He Is Very Cunning, Hurts Other, Very Selfish, Always Thinks Of Himself, Never Does Path From His Heart But Only Shows People That He Does Path And He Is True Sikh Of Waheguru, He Is Very Rude, Never Helps People.
Now The Question Is That:- Who Will Waheguru Prefer to Be His True Sikh, The Person With The Clean Shaven Sikh And Is Sincere To Waheguru Or The Amritdhari Sikh Who Is Not Sincere To Waheguru?


Sat Siri Akal.

One has Spirit. The other has Form. Neither has both. Waheguru will guide both of them to become perfect. If the Amritdhari who is cunning keeps doing Path, at some point, the Spirit will be awakened in him. It might take a few lifetimes, but it will happen. If the clean-shaven Sikh continues in devotion, at some point his soul will long to take the form of a Khalsa. It might take a few lifetimes, but it will happen. Waheguru is baking all of us, like a cook bakes a cake. Only Waheguru knows the ingredients we all need, and when it will be time to take us out of the oven and serve us as a treat to others.

All love,


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