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Summary of Question:Marryng A Muslim
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/18/2004 8:09 AM MDT

Satsriakal, i really need your help. though i have read many of your Q & A i would still like to ask a question...

iam soon going to get married to a muslim, but somewhere i feel guilty about this. he is a nice person, and good natured but somewhere sometimes i have this thought of the world beyond our lives, am i doing correct ? i cannot think of another person, but still wonder if i must go ahead.
it is understood that as a wife i would have to follow what my husband follows as very rarely would u have the husband agreeing for the wife to follow her religion..iam very positive that in my mind the first name would always be waheguru and nothing else. i don't mind leanring abt other religion or praying, but i can never leave waheguru. would waheguru understand me and give me the courage and strenght to make a successful wedding. i don't want to Not marry him, but my concerns revolves to understand that is love marriage a sin, would waheguru give me a chance or punish me.
these thoughts disturb me. can you pls advise ur comments


Sat Nam!! If other religions were a sin, why did God create so many? All of us have to examine our souls and destinies to decide what path is best for us. Before you marry any person, you have to ask yourself many questions and really do much soul searching. Have you read the questions on our matrimonial section of Sikhnet? Marriage is for life. It is not about fantasy love like Hollywood likes to portray. Marriage is very practical. How will you feel worshiping God in a way different than how you were raised? How will you feel about raising your children in a different way? Our relationship to our soul is more important than any other relationship. It is the only relationship that will go with us to death. All religions lead to the same God, and there are many religions to match each of our different destinies. Besides religious questions, there are other practical things, like how you both feel about house chores, education, money, child raising. Discuss all of this with your fiance. His thoughts and answers will give you a good idea of what will come. Watch his actions. Actions speak louder than any words. You are the only person that can answer these questions. Make sure you are not going to wake up 2 years from your wedding day and wonder what you did...with children to complicate the situation and trap you into something you regret. There is never just one person we can love. When I counsel people thinking of marriage, if there is a doubt, I always tell them to wait. There is no rush. Think about it more. But, once you decide...make it work. You have the choice now to either go through with it...stop the process to think about it further...or discontinue the relationship altogether. My prayers are with you. GTKK

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