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Summary of Question:Friend Feels Sikhi Is Superior To Other Paths
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 2/19/2004 4:31 PM MST

satsiriakaal ji. i am a young hindu woman and am very proud of my faith. even so i have come to learn and appreciate sikhism with the help of an amritdhaari who i am very close to. although i do not practise sikhi yet i would one day like to. my problem is this... although the amritdhaari in question says that he has nothin against hinduism itself he feels that he cannot merge with the hindu community and i cannot help but feel that he holds a sense of superiority over them in his mind. i know i cannot change his faith and would never want him to but would like to see him make an effort to learn more about my faith and come to accept it as more than just "bad hindus and a ridiculous amount of gods." how can i encourage this in order to create a sense of equality and appreciation? i would love to see him appreciate hinduism even half as much as i appreciate sikhi.

any idea and help much appreciated. thank u.

Dear one,
Bless you for understanding that all paths lead to the same God. You might remind him that (1) Nanak said there is no Hindu, there is no Musselman (muslim). What Nanak meant is that these are mere human constructs, and that God is everywhere, and the one who remembers God in daily simran is a devotee, no matter what the outward path chosen. (2) Remind him that 9th Guru died on behalf of a Hindu's right to worship as he chose. While he may think that makes Sikhs better, what it affirmed for what I think was the first recorded time in human history is the right of all to worship as they see fit, and the requirement that Sikhs have a duty to defend that right for ALL, not just Sikhs. If he's going to feel superior to you/Hindus, he is acting more like a mughal, not a Sikh. (3) Every devotee of every faith in some way will see their path as superior, because it's the BEST path for that devotee. You should not become Sikh unless you feel that about Sikhi, in your heart, for yourself. (4)If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all. You see God in this person, time he sees God in you and all Hindus. All this said, he has to get there himself, from within his heart.
Guru ang sang,

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