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Summary of Question:Asthma Interfering With Future Goal
Date Posted:Monday, 11/24/2003 7:40 PM MST

Hi i have a question that i hope you'll find the time to answer. It's regarding my asthma, I've had it ever since I was a kid at the same time I've wanted to join the army, but to do that one needs to be in top physical condition and so far this asthma is one of the biggest obstacles in my path. Can you give me a specific path or recitation I can recite that helps overcome seemingly lifelong medical illnesses? I didn't think much of it before because it was always fine but when i went to india i constantly had horrible asthma attacks cuz of the pollution there, if i do manage to some how join the army i dont want my asthma to mess me up if i go overseas.Please help me with any advice u can give me. I really dont want to forfeit this goal.Also is there even a cure for asthma?

Thank You

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Medical science is trying to find a cure for asthma, but so far the best they can do is keep it under control with various medications (usually inhalants.) Diet may have a large part to play in this. For one thing, eating wheat expands the bronchials, and makes it harder to breathe. Cow products are not helpful for ashmatics. Practicing various yogic breathing techniques may help - or may not. I always suggest praying to Guru Ram Das for a miracle of healing. Each one of us is working out, paying off karma from the past, some of it is physical. There are also those who equate various problems in the physical body with psychological problems. So, I wish I knew a simple solution but I don't. Meanwhile, is there some alternative career that you could work toward, instead of the military? You need to be realistic, and "If you can't have best, make best of what you have." What are your skills and your interests? Another good saying is, "Man proposes, God disposes." Try to discover God's will through meditation, and surrender to that. I wish you well. Blessings, SP

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