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Summary of Question:Gurbani
Date Posted:Friday, 10/18/2002 6:13 AM MDT


i just wanted to know that i know that all gurbani read or heard is good, then why is one preferred over others....for instance in some of your answers you tell responders to do some specific bani this many times...i mean i believe in that but is that different then doing the usual like japji and reheraas...well cause i have also done many phats at one time together....for instance i have done 240 japji sahib phats in one month, or i have done the first pauri 8 times a day on a 108 i heard that doing this much god takes care of us and nothing to worry about...i have sacrificed that much time and dedication usually once a year...for one month....but i try to do japji sahib and rehraas often now....what do u say about doing the different gurbanis


Sat Siri Akal.

Ultimately, Guru is guiding each of us and we will feel led by our spirit to meditate on whatever banis/shabads our souls need to meditate upon - because there are different lessons and different meanings in the shabds. Siri Guru Granth Sahib is 1400 + pages long because there are that many lessons to learn and the Siri Guru has captured them all for us. So - meditate on what calls to you and as often as you need. It's water for the soul and your soul knows how much water it needs to drink.

All love and good for you for your commitment to your meditation.


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