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Summary of Question:Is It Right To Approach?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/20/2004 9:49 AM MDT

I have seen this girl at the gurdwara that we both attend every Sunday for atleast the past 10 years, and yet have said very few words to her apart from the odd hello. However we do exchange smiles and i find her to be very attractive both in terms of looks and personality. I get the indication the feeling may be mutual. In a normal situation I would simply go over and talk to her, but within the gurdwara environment I perceive this as being neither viable nor appropriate. It is often remarked that everything happens for a reason, what if this girl and I are meant to be? how can i find out? is there a best way to approach her? we are both Sikh and i see no obstacles in terms of religion. A further question I owuld liek to put to you is whether there are any objections in Sikhi to dating? because how can you be sure that the person you are marrying is really the one for you without getting to know them properly first? Thanks for your help.

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Sat Nam! Yes, you need to talk to each other. Especially after 10 years of seeing each other at Gurdwara. Perhaps you might sit next to each other at Guru's Langar and speak there. It is not a question of "dating" but simply finding time to talk together and discuss your feelings and find out more about each other. If after talking together you both feel the same way, it is important to discuss with your parents as well.


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