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Summary of Question:My Husband Married Me For Greed Card.
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/03/2002 8:58 PM MDT

I am a sikh woman who had an arrangement marriage with a sikh man. I am divorce now, but the only reason he married was for green card. He was very abusive towards me and and would say bad things about my family. He threatened to kill me and threatened to beat me up. I still have night mares of what he did to me, but my question is that how can a sikh man do this to this wife. Will god punish him for what to me and my parents.

(REPLY) I am so sorry to hear of the pain and suffering you have gone through. I hope by Guru's grace you will heal from the emotional damage that has been done to you. It is a truly sad thing that a person calling himself a Sikh would behave in such a dishonable and disgraceful manner as your ex-husband. Unfortunately, not all Sikhs live up to the teachings of our Gurus. As for his being punished, I can assure you that the law of karma will ensure that he does not get away with the wrong that he has done. God doesn't have to punish anyone, our own actions always create a cause which shall have an effect, if not in this lifetime,then in the next. Try let go of the past, and when the bad memories come to you, start chanting God's Name, and do not dwell on what happened, but create a bright new future for yourself. blessings, SP

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My Husband Married Me For Greed Card. (08/03/2002)
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