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Summary of Question:If One Keeps Faith In Guru Ji Does Ones Prayers Get Answered In Findingpartner
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 1/09/2004 10:53 AM MST

I go to gurudwara, pray and really try to be a good person in life..It time for me to get married, Everyone knows me as good and happy person. But now at this point in time ,I feel depressed because I have been searching to find my soulmate and I have had no hope, everybody says keep faith in Guru Ji your good person , but I found no one so far... ALl my friends from university are already married, and they were never really spiritual,did not go to gurudwara and today they have found good life partners and they all used to laugh on how I take religion so serious at my age, Are marriages mayed in heaven ?..WIll guru Ji help me in finding my soulmate, Because I dont want to get married for the sake of marriage, I want to find good ,honest partner for life

thanks for your time

(REPLY) Sat Nam. How sad that people would laugh at you for having faith and being "religious." I don't know what your destiny is supposed to be, and I don't know what is your karma. I do know that if it is meant to be, the "right" person will come into your life. Best to pray to know God's will, and to live according to that! Happiness ultimate comes from within the soul, your own soul, when you truly feel that you are following God's best intentions for you. Not all marriages are happy, hopefully yours will be -- when the time comes. Stop worrying about it, and focus on being the best person you can be, living so that Guru can be proud of you. Feel that you are the daughter of Guru Gobind Singh, and set a smiling example of grace and strength. Focus on reading your banis and having Guru's words become etched in your heart and mind. You will become so radiant and beautiful that you will attract the most divine people into your life. Blessings, SP

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If One Keeps Faith In Guru Ji Does Ones Prayers Get Answered In Findingpartner (01/09/2004)
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