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Summary of Question:How To Get Rid Of Bad Granthi
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Monday, 10/08/2001 11:18 AM MDT


thank you for putting up a site which really helps one understand ones own religion better and also provide services which are of great help.My purpose of asking you a question is that i believe you can give me the best advice.There is a Pradhan of a Gurudwara near my colony who drinks liquor daily,this i have strong proof to back it,also no body objects to it as he has high level contacts.Would you be kind enough to guide me to the right attorities who deal with such matters in Mumbai (India).
Thank You.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
IF your Gurdwara is under SGPC purview, then you should contact them directly.

However, a sangat has a right AND RESPONSIBILITY to throw out any granthi or pradhan who does not follow Sikh practices. To drink and be around Siri Guru Granth is an abomination, contacts or no contacts. Frankly, it will take a lot of courage on the part of the sangat to follow through on this. The sangat is ENABLING this person's bad habits, not to mention participating in defiling the gurdwara and Siri Guru by letting him stay on.

Guru rakha,

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