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Summary of Question:Reg'd Sikh Sisters Posting
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/06/2004 11:15 AM MDT

I was in tears reading the post. I had such a sheltered childhood and teenage years, it makes me think man what if some of my friends went thru this! Overall, I am glad the person decided to post their experience, they are using it to educate others, if nothing else, maybe the readers will be better friends towards our fellow sikh brothers and sisters. I grew up in a metropolitan area with lots of punjabis, and the paki/punjabi rivalry was opposite of what she described. The paki boys feared the punjabi boys. I guess the punjabi boys carried the reputation of being true to their word. One's words can be powerful! Anyway, what i like to point out is the sikh boys aren't the only ones who need to learn to stand up for themselves. Sikh women shouldn't be dependent on sikh boys to "protect" them or guide them. Waheguru's blessed us all with an individual power to think and free will. Whenever there's an urge to belong or get some help, who better to go to then our father, our Waheguru! Think about it...No one controls our path, our actions, our outcomes like Baba ji can. Now, not all pakistanis are bad, it would be shallow of us to categorize pakis. I can't figure out why, but it is quiet common for punjabi girls to go with paki boys. Either way, make your decisions wisely. Throughout the day ask waheguru for guidance and keep his blessings on you. Beg him for his love. Having a open relationship with waheguru helped me become independent. Sometimes you feel silly "talking" to God. But rest assure he replies, slowly you will learn to recognize his responses. Its great!! Sikh sisters lets be strong, so if a time comes when our sikh brother is being bullied WE can stand up for them and protect them. Why not? Girl's shouldn't feel fragile or helpless. We are equal to men, that was the point Guru Nanak Ji re-iterated millions of times! we should learn that and believe it. Who knows your courage might help another sikh brother. How neat would that be??

Thank you for your contribution. You made some very relevent points. GTKK

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