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Summary of Question:Issue With Wearing Kirpan At Work?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Monday, 2/09/2004 9:57 AM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh

hope everyone's spirits are in chardi kallah... i am an aritdhari sikh based in the uk currently studying and working part-time. over the past six months myself and a few of my other gursikh brothers and sisters have been placed in awkward situations within the work place regarding our kirpans (we all work in retail, however for different companies)... issues have been raised that we are not allowed to wear kirpans according to company's insurance and employee liabilty. i know that it is legal for practicing sikhs to wear kirpans in the uk, so why is it this issue is constantly being risen? though with Guru Ji's blessing we have been able to deal with these situations, i was just wondering whether you had any advice or information which could make our cases a lot more solid so that if anyone is put in this situation the right information in accordance to the country's law can be put forward. it really hurts when you are asked 'why are you carrying a weapon?' or asked whether it can be taken off and placed in a locker whilst at work... i believe this is almost like a test from Guru Ji to see how strong we are but the information regarding the country's law towards the kirpan would be much appreciated and would be very helpfull...


waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
In today's world where Sikhs are mistaken routinely for being terrorists, there are some concessions amritdhari Sikhs need to make. While your employers probably understand, the folks off the street you sell to might not. You would have to research laws in the UK through a lawyer, the Web, or the UK Sikh community; we do not have that information at our fingertips either.

I recommend what we tell students in US schools. Get a smaller kirpan that is easily hidden under your shirt or in your turban and does not show. I wear a 2-inch steel kirpan in my turban (has no scabbard). You should also consider an employee meeting where you are allowed to educate your coworkers why the kirpan is important to amritdhari Sikhs, and that you won't remove it completely. It does not break your rehit to switch to something small and symbolic that is hidden, to alleviate the concerns of employers and customers. Honestly, if a 6-inch dagger is scaring away customers, I cannot really blame the employer for his/her concerns.

Education is the key to securing and maintaining our rights as Sikhs, but there are indeed accommodations we can make--without breaking our practice-- to keep people on our side! BTW- I don't know ANY amritdhari Sikhs who'd dare WEAR any metal kirpan on a commerical flight!
Guru ang sang,

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