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Summary of Question:"Pleasing God?"
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/01/2003 6:51 AM MST

Sakhi: Pleasing God

(translation of Bhai Balwinder Singh Ji Rangeela's Katha Keertan)

We all want to experience God, yet we are not willing to pay a price for this. We think by just saying "Waheguru Waheguru" or "Allah Allah" or "Ram Ram" a couple of times in a day will please God, like a child is pleased when you play with it. However God is not pleased like a child is so easily pleased. We say “Waheguru Waheguru” and show people and then we lie, we gossip about people and we do bad thigns, thinking we can trick God. Living honestly, speaking the truth, not saying anything bad about people behind their back and living life being conscious of God, and therefore living in God’s presence is in essence pleasing God. Below is short Sakhi:
An old lady went to the Mandir to visit the Pandit. The Pandit told the old lady, “oh mother, chant ‘Ram, Ram’, the name of the Lord, for this is what will help you cross the ocean of life. Make the name of God, ‘Ram’ your boat to cross this world ocean’.

The lady took away the wise words of the Pandit. One day the old lady was walking and infront of her was a river. She remembered the sermon of the Pandit “Chant ‘Ram Ram’ and God will help you cross the world ocean”. She thought if God could help her cross the world ocean by saying Ram Ram then naturally God should be able to help her cross a small river. So she chanted, ‘Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram’ and stepped her feet cross the river. She kept on chanting ‘Ram’ and her feet did not sink into the water but she walked across the water as if it was solid ground.

The old lady went to the Mandir to tell the Pandit of her experience. “Pandit Ji, I took your advice and chanting Ram Ram, I crossed the river without sinking. Pandit Ji please come and see for yourself. You are always chanting Ram Ram, because that is your job so you should have more effect than me.” The Pandit thought, “Oh God, the old lady is mad, she is going to drown and take me along with her to die.”

The Pandit agreed to come with the old lady. They arrived at the river side. The old lady chanting ‘Ram, Ram, Ram’ and crossed the river like the other day. The Pandit followed her by chanting ‘Ram Ram Ram’ however the Pandit’s legs were half way in the water. He looked at the old lady and she was nearly across to the other side, but he was now drowing. He cried for help, “help me, help me, I am drowning, I can die”. He just about floated to the other side and pulled himself up the bank.

What was the difference of the Pandit saying ‘Ram Ram’ and the old lady? The old lady was saying the name of God ‘Ram Ram’ using her mind and soul however the Pandit was merely saying it with his mouth yet his mind was not saying Ram. Only those you remember God and say God’s name with their body and mind can experience God and those will have the boat of Naam to help them cross the world ocean of life and the obstacles which life brings.
The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, the Eternal Truth says:

Salokh Mehla 3: A Shabd written by Guru Amar Das Ji
Raam Raam kartaa sabh jagh phire, raam na payiaa jaae|| Agam agochar ath vadaa, atul na thuliaa jaae||
The entire world roams around, chanting, "Raam, Raam, Lord, Lord", but the Lord cannot be obtained like this. He is inaccessible, unfathomable and so very great; He is unweighable, and cannot be weighed.

Keemat kine na paayiaa, kithe na leyiaa jaae|| Gur ke sabad bhediyaa, en bidh vesiyaa man aaye||
No one can evaluate Him; He cannot be purchased at any price. Through the Word of the Guru`s Shabad, His mystery is known; in this way, He comes to dwell in the mind.

Nanak aap eme-o he, gur kirpaa te rehyiaa samaae|| Aape miliyaa mil rehiyaa, aape miliyaa aae||1||
O Nanak, He Himself is infinite; by Guru`s Grace, He is known to be permeating and pervading everywhere. He Himself comes to blend, and having blended, remains blended. ||1||

Manvir Singh
bhul chuk maaf karnee, waheguru samat bakshe

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