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Summary of Question:What Should I Do Everyday ?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/30/2002 11:58 AM MDT

I am a 16yr old boy.I have not yet taken amrit but am going to do so soon...

I do paath everyday- japji and jap sab.
I want to be a good sikh and Most importantly I want to attain god...
What should I do everyday ?
Is paath enough ? or I have to do meditation ?
If yes then what type of meditation ?
Please tell me what I should do ?
I don't understand anything...

And ya....I am realy annoyed with myself as I get bad thoughts like kaam all the time....Please...I just hate that about myself...
I am attracted to girls too much..especially the ones I know well...
Please tell me how can I control this..

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
First thing is first, what is usually done is at least the two paaths plus kirtan sohila before you go to bed which means Japji Sahib in the Morning and Rehras Sahib in the evening. These paaths have to be done if you are amrittari, but what is often done is the 5 bania. In this case it is all of the morning and afternoon paaths and before you go to bed you do a paath which is called Kirthan Sohila. In order to be one with God or to reach him in a worldly manner you do something which is called Naam Simran and this is basicly reciting Waheguru over and over but with a clear conscious. Make sure you dont think about anything but God himself and keep reciting this. This is our way of meditating to obtain unity in our life and to be calm and peaceful. When it comes with youths doing paath and especially youths that go to school it is often said to simply do Japji Sahib in the Morning, Rehras Sahib in the evening and Kirtan Sohila before you go to bed because some youths dont have enough time to complete the 5 bania. I hope I helped you and please feel free to ask anymore questions that are on your mind.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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What Should I Do Everyday ? (03/30/2002)
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