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Summary of Question:Big Stutter Problem
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/26/2004 1:47 AM MST

WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa, WhaeGuru Ji Ki Fateh

I am 13 years old and do paath and keep my hairs, because I want to .I have a big problem, I stutter. I cant go into a conversation without getting embarssed or having to quickly swich around words that are easier for me to say. Like when I try to say the word "guru" it usually comes out as "gggggggguru." Or "dddd....ddddentist" for "dentist". I usued to never to paath outloud, but because I heard the vibrations or something is good for you. Now that I do do it loud I stutter while saying gurbani! All the kids at school tease me. I feel abnormal often.
Please help me, I dont know what to do. (What paaths to do while asking what to waheguru ETC.)
WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa, WhaeGuru Ji Ki Fateh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Stuttering is something that is usually treated through speech therapy. It is not something we are trained to give advice on. For starters, perhaps do an internet search on it and get your friends to understand about it WITH you, because there is no reason to laugh. Some people never stop stuttering, but I don't mean to make you sad or afraid about this.
For now, try taking a deep breath before you recite paath. Gurbani is still gurbani, with or without a stutter, and it DOES make a difference to recite out loud. Perhaps it would help you to recite paath out loud with a recording to keep your ears and mind in tune with the words you are reading. I also highly recommend speaking to a school counselor about speech therapy. In the USA (and in Canada I think), many schools offer speech therapy for youth that have speech impediments or disabilities. Or ask your parents or doctor to recommend a speech therapist. You might never completely stop stuttering, but with professional help you can certainly abate it. Good luck,
Guru ang sang,

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