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Summary of Question:Decption, Assumption & Perception
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/11/2002 5:22 PM MDT

hi i have a question regarding love. if i fell in love with someone who became amritdhari after we got together, is it my fault that i don't have amrit? is it okay for her to go out with a person with amrit and not with me? is it okay for her to decieve me and cheat behind my back with someone she called her so called brother? answers i'm askin. wise i ain't. to live is to suffer. but i know i ain't no saint.


Sat Siri Akal.

Dear Brother,

So - this girl took Amrit and is using it as the excuse why she is no longer going out with you and has decided to date someone else? Well -that's lame. Let me tell you up front - she's just using Amrit to excuse her inability to be constant to a person.

So - it hurts when someone deceives you. I know it. And it's really easy to get caught in the game of excuses and blame. When someone cheats on you or lies to you, they don't have the moral character to take ownership of their responsibility to the relationship. So they come up with an excuse as to why they don't want to be with you any more and, most of the time, the excuse is designed to hit where you are insecure so that you believe it. "Well - you haven't taken Amrit so I need to date someone else and not you." That's just a bunch of nonsense. The truth is that she isn't living in her grace and her choices have nothing to do with you whatsoever - they just have to do with her own insecurities. So - don't buy what she's saying. Do what you can to heal from the pain she's caused you. Not all women are ungrateful in their connections with men and hopefully Guru will bring someone into your life that you can be with for the rest of your life who will honor and respect you the way you deserve.

Good luck and God bless.

All love,


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