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Summary of Question:Rehraas Sahb
Date Posted:Monday, 7/15/2002 8:35 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sat Sri Akal, I just had a question regarding Sri Rehraas Sahib. Why is the Rehraas Sahib in my Nitnem Gutka different from the Rehraas Sahib done in Gurdwara. All I know is that The Chaupai Sahib is a lot longer, and the Rehraas Sahib starts differently, it does not start with Sloke Mehlaa 1. Can you please explain the difference to me? Thank You

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

There are a lot of opinions about how Rehiras Sahib is properly said; some people start with "Har jug jug Bhagat upaiya...", some start with "shlok m.1, Dookh daroo sukh rog bahia...", some with "Sodar raag asa m. 1, Sodar tera keha...". Also some say 27 pauris of Chopai and Arril after, and some say only 25. Some add in the 40th pauri of Anand Sahib after the five. Many Nehung Singhs say more chopais of Guru Gobind Singh after Benti Chopai. Some even don't end with "Rakhe rakhan har...".
When I recite Rehiras I start with "Har Jug Jug..." also say "Dook Daroo..." then say "Sodar". I also say 27 pauris of Benti chopai followed by arril, do not say the 40th pauri of Anand, and end with 'rakhe rakhan Haar'. I made the decision to say it this way based on input from a few places, such as people I've met in Punjab, Siri Singh Sahib, and the way it is written in the different Nitnems I have. I also decided that more is more, and if something was included in a Nitnem that I hadn't seen before then generally I have included it in my recitation.

If you ask different people even within the Punjab how to properly say this prayer, it will probably be a little different from person to person. Despite this, the majority of Rehiras is the same wherever you go and the important thing is to meditate on the Guru's words in this absolutely soothing, beautiful prayer.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fathe

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