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Summary of Question:Could Vaheguru Lift A Rock?
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/05/2002 6:48 PM MST

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh.

I believe it is important to question your faith and seek the truth(that is what a sikh is....) in the belief that it will only make your faith stronger. I also believe that Vaheguru will in time answer all your questions. However this question is really bugging me. (Its not that I have nothing else to do but to think of silly questions!)
my question is ..

"Could vaheguru create a rock which, Vaheguru could not lift?"

I know the question sounds a bit silly, but there seems to be much wisdom in this question. The question is a bit of a paradox, if vaheguru could make such a rock, then he would not have the ability to lift it and in that sense the rock would be more powerful than god (not in every sense of the word).
However if god cannot make such a rock then he is not all powerful.
The reason we as sikhs believe not in physical beings or idols as god is because they must also perish as does everything else ( "why believe in idols which will sink in the water, how will they save the mortal?" Guru ji).
We believe in an almighty creator as described in the japji...
but then he would not be almighty..
But if we argue that god is manifest in his creation, then he must be in the rock, in any case if he is almighty he should be able to create such a rock whether in it or without you get what I am saying.
I understand that my finite knowledge is questioning the infinte, nevertheless there should be a concrete answer.

Another question...
In a few of the answers to peoples questions I have read "that the creation of our complex universe is the justifiction that god exists. This universe and all its laws could not have been created by chance". Even though the chances are small it is possible just as millions of sperm are required to fertilise one ovum and only one of the sperm gets through and all the others are wasted.

If we follow the argument that god created the universe...following this logic, who created god? God must also be a product of something....?

What I have asked may seem like a waste of time...but to these questions I seek an answer,(also I might not have come across clearly in my arguments for which I apologise).

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh.


Thank you for your post. I enjoyed very much reading it. It is interesting how followers of many different religions ask these same questions. However, the answer for Sikhs to both of your questions is quite clear.

"Could Waheguru create a rock so heavy that he could not lift it?"

"Since the universe is so complex, is that proof that Waheguru created it?"

Both of these questions stem from a mistaken assumption that the creator and the creation are separate. This is a belief of some religions but not of Sikhi.

Waheguru is one of the names used to describe everything that is, everything that was and everything that will be. Nothing is outside of Waheguru. Waheguru is everything that is infinite, and everything that has the appearance of being finite. Waheguru is every baby crying, every bomb falling, every star exploding, every question being asked. Sikhi is two words - 'Ik Onkar'. There is only one God - and nothing else.

There is no need to seek proof of God's existence - everything is proof of God's existence.

Through meditation on God's name, we (as God in a seemingly finite form) may experience more of the truth of our infinite nature. We are not a part of Waheguru, we are, each of us, the totality of Waheguru. There is no this and that - there is only Waheguru.

For fun I will answer the first question. I remember giving very much the same answer when I was eleven or twelve years old. The answer is that Waheguru can create a rock so heavy it cannot be lifted. Waheguru can also lift that rock. How? I don't know. But the truth of Waheguru is beyond the ability of our mind to comprehend, so any intellectual attempt to prove or disprove God is by definition worthless (except in that we are focusing on God while proving/disproving). Only through meditative experience, with Gur Prasad, can Waheguru be realized. One must go beyond the mind to our infinite selves.

God bless you,

Dharam Singh

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Could Vaheguru Lift A Rock? (01/05/2002)
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