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Summary of Question:Re: Nightmares
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/16/2004 8:02 AM MST


I know this is a youth Q&A but i didn't know where else i could ask this question. I have been married for 3 years and started having these nightmares for a year (since I moved out of my parents home). These nightmares are more lively than dream - while asleep i feel some things/one coming into the room and sit on top of me where i can't wake up - i recite waheguru and then try to wake up and this doesn't work. And then i recite rogan tha arsogan shabad and still can't fight these things and unable to wakeup. I used to pray a lot but since i started to work i am only able to to japji sahib. I have tried a lot of things to avoid from this - sava etc. This have gone worst to a point that now i can hear these things and also can see a black shadow - let me tell i am awake during this time but unable to move, not even a finger, i feel my whole body is stuck. I don't believe in going to some baba or psychic, I only want help from guru. Is there a certain shabad/patt i can recite to put a stop to this. please help

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Sat Nam! Consciously and powerfully invoke the protection of Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das.

Before you go to bed chant "Aad Guray Nameh - Jugaad Guray Nameh - Sat Guray Nameh - Siri Guru Devay Nameh." As you chant, first visualize Guru Nanak above you on your right (wth Aad Guray Nameh), then Guru Angad above and behind you, then Guru Amar Das on your left and finally Guru Ram Das in front of you. Continue powerfully for several minutes. If you are wakened during the night, repeat this again.


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