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Summary of Question:Re:Khalistan
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 7/28/2003 4:55 PM MDT

I dont think it would be right for a territory to be limited to only people of a certain religon. When India was supposed to get its independence the people of Punjab were to become their own seprate country as was promised by the British. Then politics took over and Punjab was divided. I think a good idea for Khalistan should be the orginal Punjab that was under Maharajah Ranjit Singh's control. His kingdom was secular and all peoples of all creeds lived in it. He liberated the people of Kashmir because of their tyrant muslim ruler. So the only acceptable idea I could fathom of Khalistan would be Punjab before the British annexed it. It would be a land of tolerance and the great Sikh monuments and places could be preserved.


Thank you for your insights. GTKK

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