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Summary of Question:Must An Amritdhari Know How To Read Punjabi?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/29/2003 12:56 PM MST

OK, I am a amhritdhari, i do all my paat in an english, is it essential for me to learn how to read punjabi. As of right now, I know all the bani's by heart, with the exception of Jaap Sahib? THis has been on my mind for awhile, Can u please answer it.

Waheguru Je Ka Khalsa, Waheguru je ke Fateh.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Sikhi is a universal religion. People around the world are adopting Sikhi and they do not speak/read Punjabi or read Gurmukhi, the language of Gurbani. So the answer to your question is no, it is NOT essential to learn Punjabi. While it is laudable to learn to READ the Gurmukhi (phonetically), not everyone is blessed with the ability to do so (some people are simply unable to learn a second language or alphabet). As an aside: Gurbani/the Siri Guru Granth is written in Gurmukhi, which is an alphabet that allows all the words to be read and pronounced. However, the actual SOURCE language of each shabd varies and can include: old Punjabi, old Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit. This is why even educated Punjabis have trouble understanding the poetry of SGGS.
Guru ang sang,

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Must An Amritdhari Know How To Read Punjabi? (01/29/2003)
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