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Summary of Question:How Do I Move On
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/17/2007 4:09 PM MST

sas ri akhal. Im probably askin a question that has been asked before but i really need you help. I was brought up a a strict sikh as a youth, i remember being proud to be a sikh and i believed in god. I was always the quiet one at school and well behaved. I never spoke to guys as i felt shy. I didnt like girls who messed around and was always glad i wasnt like them. At college i never went out and always felt depressed because i wasnt living the 'student life'ie going out and meeting new people, (my parents werent too strict about me going out, because they knew i was well behaved). towards the end of college i met a guy who wasnt sikh, i fell for him, i had never felt like this about anyone in my life. He was well mannered, polite, intelligent. Basically i started a relationship with him, non of my close friens or family know about it. I did some stupid things that i am a ashamed of. The relationship ended. 5 years later Dostill feel ashamed about it, I believe in karma, and recently i met someone who knows this guy, i feel scared that they will kknow about my past. i was stupid tp make such mistakes, i believe in god, and ask for forgiveness everyday. I feel like i cant move on because of what i did. No one in my community would believe i did such thing, i am a polite and caring person and i try to be a good person. This shame holds me back all the time. If im being introduced to some one (for marriage) i always think will they know this guy and his mates. its tearing me apart. I light a candle for god every morning and night. I cant belive what i did, considering the way i was brought up. I genuinly fell for this guy because i thought he was the one. please help me. waheguru ji kalsa waheguru ji k fateh

My dear, You carry so much fear and must let it go.
First you MUST forgive yourself. We all have many unexpected things come to us in our life. NO ONE IS PERFECT. There are countless secrets that others carry in silence can never be known. Your experience will give you understanding and sensitivity that will serve you in your life.

First: accept that experience as a gift from is how you can do this
- speak every day/ out loud/ to yourself/3 times a day
"In the Name of Guru Ram Das I forgive myself and heal myself"
"In the Name of Guru Ram Das I forgive myself and heal myself"
"In the Name of Guru Ram Das I forgive myself and heal myself"

Recite morning and evening:
5 times on the inhale
5 times on the exhale
for ten breaths "I am the Grace of God"
Do remember: You are beautiful and you are divine, God gave you this karma and still you will be fine.

If you want to speak to me personally let me know.
Much love and many blessings to you.

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