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Summary of Question:Justifiable Murder
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/07/2005 12:19 AM MDT

Is there a such thing as 'justifiable homicide'? For instance, is killing a man in self-defence justifiable or not? It's just a hypothetical, but I was wondering, because killing someone in war is justifiable, but what if it's in self-defence?


Legally, one is justified to kill in self-defense. According to some religions, it is justified to kill in self-defense..but according to other religions, it is not. The bottom line is each individual's personal consciousness and values. Each of us has to answer that question for our selves. Some people refuse to go into the military for that very reason. It has nothing to do with whether one is a coward or patriotic.. but rather one's consciousness. One may even argue that it is less justifiable to kill in war.
What is war? Something political powers have decided? Many innocent people get killed in war. Perhaps self-defence is more justified. There are many ways to look at it. You have to decide. GTKK

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