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Summary of Question:Who R U ?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/22/2002 7:11 PM MDT

who r u to tell people what to do and what not to do....???

everything has to change with time...if guru Gobind Singh ordered sikhs to keep hair it waas because he wanted unique identification against fight against armies and he wanted protection from head injuries....
if sikhs are cutting here these days ... nothing wrong...Guru Gobind Singh...had he been alive wouldn't have said anything becoz in this busy life it is the need of hour[ just as at that time keeping hair was the need of hour]...
get ur basic fundas right....
sikhism is not what to do and what not to do.... its about inner peace aand tranquility with equilabrium with outer world.

REPLY Sat Nam Thank you for expressing your opinion. Similarly, we offer our views on subjects that are brought to us. I firmly believe that the Sikh identity, long hair, turban, distinctive appearance is not outdated, nor do i believe that YOU can say what the Father of the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh would say today! I believe that awe are to have the courage to stand out and be recognized, not hide our identity. When he was a little boy, the future Guru Gobind Singh saw his father, Guru Teg Bahadur, executed, and his head cut off, and he saw his father's Sikhs run away so as not to be recognized. He then determined that HIS Sikhs would never hide in fear. Everyone makes up his or her own mind based on what is in the heart and how loudly the soul speaks.Blessings, SP

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