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Summary of Question:Re:Being A Young Sikh Male Is Tough
Date Posted:Friday, 5/06/2005 10:34 AM MDT

I'm replying to the following message. I'll shed some light on this situation. I am a 25 yrs old Sikh girl living in Canada. I know its not easy to keep your faith and wear a turban in these western countries but I have so much respect for guys and girls who show the strength to keep their faith. I perosnally like guys who wear a turban and I want to marry a guy who wears a turban and has the strength live as a committed sikh in this country. In the event, I praise you for keeping your hair and wearing a turban. There are many girls like me who want to marry only guys with turban.


Being A Young Sikh Male Is Tough

wot i wanted to know was wether sikh girls/women really like guys in turbans and with a beard...everytime i ask a girl i get rejected for the simple fact i have a beard.....i get really depressed and because of this ive never had a girlfriend or even kissed!....well i used to weigh 17 stones/238 pounds but lost it got a 8 pack etc...but i still get rejected i mean what the hell does a guy have to do to get some attention because women are only interested in clean shaven guys and now im starting to worry that i might not even get married one day because everywhere i go all sikh men are getting their hair cut off and when i walk down the street i feel like im the only guy in a turban who exists. well i aint baptized yet (im 20) but hope to be one day but for now im like any other male my age but i always keep getting rejected with comments like your ugly and "i dont do turbans".........also.....I remember one singhnee coming up here and complaining about how guys made fun of girls having hair...girls who have hairy legs need to shave and get all discouraged..I THINK IT's WRONG for a girl to shave and girls who are keeping there hair hay GOOD JOB! THERE THE TRUE SISTERS of STEEL! and first of all NOT ALL GUYS are girls are pretty bloody mean's right down the middle 50/50 it's also hard to be a guy I know for you girls it might be hard to believe but you know what I'm tired of you girls coming out here and saying you guys aren't supportive of us bla bla well you know what You GIRLS aren't either....I've had girls come up to me and look at me and say ewww look at his face, look at his beard isn't that gross, that's not right, shave, look it's Bin Laden Jr, I can understand white girls saying that but one time a brown girl said to me ewwww ur so hairy, look it's CHEWBECCA! and and Also I have a cousins who go to camp, and they go juss to meet people and they don't wanna marry sardars because once again We're TOOO EWWWW HAIRY! I mean come on seriously you girls are not to supportive either.....WHY IS THIS?! i would like to have responses from as many peopl as possible please.

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