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Summary of Question:Too Lazy
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/30/2002 2:27 PM MST

gur fateh!

my question is why have i gotten so lazy? last year i always did paat or listened to gurbani in the morning, went to the gurdwara like very other day,i used to do seva for like 2 hours. Igrew my hair last year i did everything. but ever since i started high school i'v gotten so lazy and im talkin to girls like bein sweet and stuf. but last year i didnt care wat anybody thinked i jus did my thing. i'v stopped doin jap ji sahib paat and listening to gurbani and i rarely go to the gurdwra now but i still have my jura. im so lazy and un focused now. i want to get my focus back on gurbani and paat back. also im staring to swear like crazy i want to stop that 2. another problem is i cant stop chekin out girls i jus cant stop. is this a teenage phase? cuz i want my focus on gursikhi back
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yes, I think it's a teenage thing.You're dealing with a lot of hormones that have just gotten very active and they can mess up your emotions and cloud your mind! If you really want to regain your focus, then it will take extra effort and commitment for you to make sure that whether you feel like it or not, you read your banis every day, and whether you FEEL like it or not, you go to Gurdwara, and you need to keep yourself very busy, as well as make sure you do some strenous physical exercise every day! You need to channel that sex energy in a better direction, and that's a fact. It will take a lot of will power, and you can also pray for help to get through this phase without messing up! Try DHAN DHAN RAM DAS GUR shabd, and repeat it 11 times a day. Sing it if you can. What you are experiencing is not unusual, and to stay in control of your emotions and your mind will take firm determination. It's up to you. Blessings, SP

gur fateh!

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