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Summary of Question:Who Should One Believe?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/04/2003 2:14 PM MST


I'm in a bit of a dilema.....I'm 24year old sikh girl who has been in a relationship with a namdhari for the past three years. As much as i tried to avoided this situation at the beginning and ignored my feelings, somehow i landed straight back. I put this down to kismet. (The way life has been planned out for all of us by GOD!)

For 23 years i have truely believed and still do that the sri GURU granth sahib ji is our one and only true guru after the ten guru's. but on the other side i would like to marry my partener. The question at this point i really want to ask is what do i do?

My family, even though they they are proper gursikh themselves, like this person and have not objection to me marrying him. but my problems is that i can not believe in a living guru. i know you might say that the answer to my question is staring me in the face. But i can't see my self with any one else.



Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Marrying a Namdhari does not mean that you have to accept the Namdhari Sat Guru as your Guru. Sit down with this young man and have a very honest and real conversation about your feelings. If he can respect that you will only ever bow to the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as Guru and if you two can reach an agreement about how to raise your children - ahead of time - then it is possible for the marriage to work out.

Successful marriage is based on two people having genuine, mutual and honest communication with each other. There will always be disagreements in marriage -the way to get through the disagreements is talking out the problems and coming up with solutions that work for both partners. Have the honest talk with him and follow your heart. Keep the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as your Guru, respect his choice and see what Guruji has in mind for the both of you. The way to make this decision is based on what the two of you have to say to each other, and what agreements you can make with each other. Know who you are. Know what is important to you. And then have a dialogue to see what the reality is.

I hope that this is helpful to you. Above all, trust yourself. Your soul knows the path you need to walk in this life.

All love,


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