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Summary of Question:Bad Dreams, Nightmares
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/08/2002 9:13 AM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

I want to thank you every single moderator on this forum...for your time..your advice and all the suggestions and time you give to all of us..who constantly ask questions and come to is a great service you are doing for everyone...and it means more to me..then i can express.

This question might seem a bit off...but i am really at a loss of words when it comes to this problem..and i really want to help this person with this issue.

ONe of my close friends....has had reaccuring nightmares....i dont know how to explain it..he tells me that from the moment he was very young..he has had these always involves someone hurting someone else..and he is standing there watching..meaning..he is trying to do somethign about it..trying to catch the killer or tryin to stop someone..but it never happens...and he can feel all the emotions and the feelings that are going
, in his dreams...most of the time..these dreams are negative..very negative..but he cant seem to understand why he keeps having these dreams...when he wakes up he feels that they are real...but cant do anything about them...he see's crimes, people getting hurt...and he cant seem to do anything about really bothers him....he says his whole life he has tried to analyze the dreams...trying to figure out what it could be...but nothing has ever worked...
My question is...first and foremost..this person means alot to me..and i really want to help him...when he shared all of this with me..the first thing that occured to that he should do paath..something he should always try to do and maybe then things will actually make maybe if he is suppose to get some point in this dreams....iknow that guru ji will help him in clarifying what these dreams mean and maybe these dreams are somehow trying totellhim to try to reach out into his soul and gain more spirituality in his life...i dont know...maybe i am going too far in this...but please give me some suggestions...
is there any paath that i can do for him? is there anything in particular that he should focus on in gurbani....anything would help at this point...because these dreams and everything related to slowly slowly really starting to effect this person and his life and he feels that he cant do anything about the dreams or help the victims in his dreams....and i truly feel that gurbani, paath...sikhi is the answer....atleast to guide him into a positive course in his life, mind and most of all in his soul.
Any suggestion or particular paath or passage from the SGGS would be helpful...please tell me what you think.
Sorry for such a long question ; i hope you get an idea of my problem/his problem.
Thank you, for listening.
most of all...RABB RAKHA.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Of course you are right, he should definitely be doing paath. Especially he should recite Kirtan Sohila just before sleep at night. Also, it will help him to play a tape or CD of soothing Gurbani Kirtan all night long (it can be very soft) while he sleeps. You see, dreams are a reflection of things that are normally buried in our sub-conscious. They come to the surface while we sleep, unless and until we have mastered the art of going immediately into a deep, dreamless state of sleep. We do not know if these thoughts come from memories of past life experiences, but it doesn't really matter -- what matters is that he needs to clear out his subconscius, and that is why we chant and meditate on the Holy Nam, and recite banis, and sing Gurbani Kirtan, so that the divine vibrations can clear away the "negativity" that accumulates in the sub-conscious mind. I hope this helps! And of course, if he can read directly from Siri Guru Granth Sahib either in an Akhand Path, or do his own Sahej Path (even in English) -- this same meditative/mantric process will start to eliminate the disturbing vibrations in his mind. Because, after all, thoughts, images, ideas are all vibrations, and when we put in the divine vibrations of Shabd Guru, they intelligently override and virtually erase the lower vibrations. (it's like re-recording on a cassette tape. Just RECORD the Guru's words, so they can erase those words and images that are upsetting.) Blessings, SP

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