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Summary of Question:Hankar
Date Posted:Friday, 10/04/2002 10:23 AM MDT

Wahegur Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I'm sorry to take some of your time, but i would like to ask a question. Hankar is a very strong emotion, and i find it hard to control. People give us complements and for me i can't control the feelings of hankar, they are constent, they pop up in my head all the time. Even in doing paath its i have the thoughts of being better than another. This is obviously wrong, as the guru has made us all equal and further more, i'm just human and i can't judge such a fact and i have no right to feel superior to others, if i must i should feel lower than them and learn from them, but it is so hard to control the feelings of hankar, and the thoughts of hankar just pop into my mind. Can you advice me on any way to control this, i would think that in doing paath and simran it helps.. but after doing, the thoughts of superiority are always there. Thank you for your advice.

I have another question, just wondering and that is, that do all living things have a soul? sab me jot jot he soe? do like even trees have a soul, grasS?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Pride is a really powerful emotion for humans to deal with. The majority of people struggle with it for their entire lives. In the long run, what allows us to move into a state of humility and let go of our pride is simply making ourselves aware of the beauty in another person. Look at them. See them the way you would see a beautiful sunset or a gorgeous flower. Be still enough inside yourself to appreciate their uniqueness - what is special about them. If you can train yourself to see the strengths of another person, that will help deal with pride. Also- contemplate the stars sometime. Just try and comprehend how vast this universe is, how timeless, how intricate and so beyond our ability to understand it - and then - feel how small you are in the vastness of that. Feel how fragile, and how precious. Feel how much of a creature your are - every element in your body was forged in the heart of a star billions of years ago. Your mind didn't create you. Something Else did - and getting the sense of being a creature of the Creator is another way to cut through pride. It isn't about being lower than another person - that's false humility and that can become as much of a block as anything else. It's just about seeing the truth of the complexity of creation and how small you are in it and how rare and special every single creature is.

As for your other question - every single creature has the light of God within them. Soul is more of a Christian concept that's very individual. Jot is the light of God - the presence and awareness of God within us. And that light is in everything that has awareness. It goes through the cycle of birth and death, keeps coming into more and more complex forms until it reaches the precious human life where it finally has a chance to reocgnize Itself for what It is. And what It is is what You are - Divine Light in human form, God dwelling in your heart, the gate of liberation within your own body and you can experience it if by Guru's grace you have discipline with which to purify yourself.

Hope this is helpful.

All love to you.


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

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