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Summary of Question:Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!....I Am Really Confused Wht To Do...My Life Is A Hell
Date Posted:Monday, 12/29/2003 12:02 AM MST

hey everybody out there..hope u guyz r gud...n i also hope that u can help me...

herez brief description bout me n I m very very sorry about the slangz
- i also questioned here before and the title was " am i wanted or not"
- i am 15 right now
-came to Canada when i ws 12
- medium sorta girl like i dn do bad stuff n I m nah too good @ doin path too..(ma mom n dad n 2 of ma grandparentz dont do it either so I m nah use to it)..
- I am movin to my new skool or I think ‘hell’ on Feb 1,2004
now ma problemzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

when i came here ..n went to ma first of gurl became ma very gud friend n her best friend got jealous whatever n she started to take everybody against me n that "one" friend of mine...i told her not to ruin her relationship with her best friend cuz of i was suppose to leave after 2 monthz...she said itz k...***I THINK THAT IS WHERE MOST OF MA DIGNITY N SELF-RESPECT N MA CONFIDENSE WAAS GONEEEEEEEEE******** i felt like an outcast...buh i was suppose to leave in 2 monthz newayz...BUT my dad wanted us to live here now for 1-2 years......i was devastated that how i m gona face those people again......buh thank god that evil best friend left da skool..then gr 8 started.....iloved it........i wana go bak to that time..well smtimez...there was alwayz thiz other groups of gurlz that i wanted to b friendz with cuz i thot we had more in common in personality n otherwise...i wanted to hang around with them but two guyz in there groups didnt liek i didnt...i liked gr. 8 a lot then i went to high skool n i start hangin around with "that group of girlz" as all of other friendz left..(by the way i stayed in da same dad jus start to love it here i dn no y)...i felt left out first...then slowly i was kinda ok buh nah completely...i think because of all this stuff happened in the past that i didtn write bout think that if they reject me too... i will start consider myself a idiot, a aloner, n i dunno...jus a person who cant have friendz n everybody thinkz that she is i didnt wana get i did everything i possibly could to make em like me...for two monthz i didnt tawk a lot i was just observing them so that i ll tell em stories that they wud find funny buh i didnt tell em...i didnt say nethin cuz i thot they wud go behind my back n make fun of me...i didnt wated to give em a chance to hate i just didtn tawk...n now i hardly tawk to them.. stay with em ...buh i dn say nething...well i said smthingz buh nah 9 smhow jus passed by n changed me frm being a lifeful person to jus a lil quiet person..n i alwayz felt that they go behind my bak n talked bout me...n i alwayz felt that i m being judged...i was used to well with another another peopel im full of life..i make jokez n tell tehm teh stupidest stories evver n i dn fear rejection from them somehow...they think im so funny n if u ask those "group of girls" i m da quietest person on earth...i feel more comfortable with other people than those "group of girls" ......n now i m in gr. 10 n still hang around with those gurlz now...well..i stopped..kinda…at lunch I made up some reason n say I cant come nemore…n after skool I jus leave without sayin bye with my other friend from another group….n by the way ..”this groups of girls” have 2 girls from my old skool n 4 from new skool…n when the 2 girls from my old skool r not there..I feel like I dn belong there…I feel like nah stayin with them cuz they dn even talk to me n I dn talk to them I just stand there until itz ‘officially’ time to go home for everyone…N NOW MY BIGGEST PROBLEM…we jus bought a house n itz a 5-7 min walk to the skool where ‘this group of girls are going to come in September n they already no all of the girls n boys over there…n there r some other girls I no who r nice but all these girlz r friendz….n if I go there I dn no nobody n if I ditch these girls they gona hate me n then the whole skoolz gona hate me n I m going to be in deep s***(sowwie for the wording) n I dn want to b a aloner and a joke for everyone…if that happenz I will loose that rest of my confidence too…buh If I stay with them I feel unwanted n I cant really **talk to them as friends** like all of the stuff girlz talk about…I talk to bout these things to another girlz(who by the way r not from one group, they r all frm different groups) n I cant go to another skool because my dadz not goin to allow me….cuz he thinkz all of this stuff is stupid n thingz happen n I shud go to that skool cuz otherwise I have to take busses…I really want to go bak to my old

skool( in which by the way those girlz would b gone) n I would b free….free of what I dn know how to put this in words but I would b FREE…but I cant ……..what should I do plz plz plz help me I need guidance…n I don’t want to end up being a looser of the skool n so totally fear that I am not ashamed when I am telling this (some people are) newayz thanx a lot in advance an I m really really sorry about my language…I m kind of use to it….plz help me as much as u can n if u no nobody who have been thru similar problems please tell me that would be so much better n by the way is this happens to everybody that is my age or is it just me?!?!…sorry for writing to much but there is a lot of stuff been happening in my life…I still didn’t mention a lot of it…bye…wfwk


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Is this just you? No way, sister. This is what many young girls go through during their teenage years and, frankly, it is just awful. So - let's see what we can do.

Peer pressure is really tough - and in high school, there's a tremendous amount of pressure to fit in with the right crowd or else people are going to think weird things about you. So it's hard on you because how are you going to fit in right? And what about just being yourself?

So here's my advice. Stop caring about it. Stop caring what other people think of you. Stop caring about what they say or don't say about you. Stop caring about whether they like you or not. It doesn't matter.

One thing you have to learn in life is to be you and let things come to you. Be yourself and let those people who want to be around you as you are become your friends. And those people who don't want to be around you as you are - why would you waste your time being friends with them anyway? It is hard at age 15 to say that I'm not going to care what my peers think about me. I know. But if you really want to be happy with yourself - be yourself. And if you don't find friends at school, there are other activities to get involved in and make friends there.

The Guru is pretty savy when it comes to the nature of human relationships. On page 860, the Guru says:

"The relatives, friends and siblings of the world that you see, O my mind, all meet with you for their own purposes.

And that day, when their self-interests are not served, on that day, they shall not come near you."

Which is really true. Mostly, at your age, friends are friends because of their own interests. Be who you are. And if you have a hard time knowing who you are or having the courage to be who you are - recite Japji every morning before you get ready for school. Japji is such a perfect sound that it will help you touch your spirit and give you the courage to live your life from that place.

Good luck. I know it seems like high school will last forever, but trust me - one day it will be behind you.

Much love to you,


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Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!....I Am Really Confused Wht To Do...My Life Is A Hell (12/29/2003)
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