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Summary of Question:Those Snake Dreams And The Subconcious
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/05/2002 4:10 PM MST

Sat Siri Akaal, all!!

I just had a few thoughts upon reading the post from the fellow who was dreaming of the Gurus and also about the snakes. I think the moderator is quite right, that it is superstitious to believe snakes are bad by nature. (I think snakes are beautiful, but I'll save that for the National Geographic site!)

In Jungian psychology, snakes are an ancient symbol of rebirth and regeneration. Perhaps my brother with the Guru and snake dreams is being told to "shed his skin" like a snake, to cast off all the outer gunk that is keeping him from walking his path, and let our Masters help lead him to God.

On this subject, is there a place in Sikhism for dream interpretation or symbolism? I know many who think it is a bunch of hooey, but I also figure that our subconscious minds are bouncing around for good reasons. What is the correct teaching on this?

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh


Waheguru Ji Ka KHalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Dear Elizabeth--
Sikhi does not specifically recognize or even approve of focusing on dreams and their symbolism. The reason for this is that in the times of the 10 Gurus (and now), panditry was rampant and people would go to pandits to explain their dreams and pay money for an answer that was often specious. Let's say that panditry was an industry of sorts, and those calling themselves or being called pandits often had no special expertise in what they were talking about. It is not unlike the palmists and psychics that are found everywhere in our big cities. And then people would believe the pandit rather than believe in the will of God!

BUT, you are right that our subconcious minds are bouncing around for reasons. There is so much "stuff" in there, it is no wonder. I am here going to quote Yogi Bhajan, who says that "if you don't meditate, you dream, and if you do NEITHER, you go crazy." The subconcious mind has to clear itself out. (ANY) regular meditation is the BEST way to do this, to stabilize the mind in its entirety. Most everyone dreams, not everyone remembers dreaming. Speaking from personal experience, I have seen my dreams both increase and become more disturbing when I do not meditate daily. When I meditate daily, I sleep more peacefully, as it were. (I in fact do not like to dream or remember dreams, but it happens.) As Sikhs, we are told over and over again in Siri Guru to chant the Naam to clear our minds and attain that 'equipoise' or sahej. But don't take my word for it! Try it yourself for 40 days and see what happens.
Guru ang sang,

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