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Summary of Question:Balance Of Life
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/21/2006 7:19 AM MDT

I have always wondered one of the hardest questions of life. I find that it is almost unanswerable. Unfortunatley I do not have the resources to find out what gurbani has to say on this topic. It would be grateful if you could shed some lgith on the topic. I life there are up's and down's. Some days a person maybe on the top of the world and on other days they could be on the bottom in the gutter. This could result not only from actions (i.e doing a bad thing), or thoughts or even out of the blue. How does a person acheive balance in their life, i.e always happy or strong ? Do we have to go through this cyclical emotional turmoil ? Is it something to do with karma ?

Please shed some well needed light on the topic.

Sat nam. Yes, it's something to do with karma. Siri Guru Granth Sahib is nothing if not a treatise on attaining sukh sehej (equipoise), where the hills and valleys of life come and go and you, the Gurmukh are not coming and going with them, but in a state of balance. You can read the entire SGGS on Sikhnet, start with the links on the left sidebar of the homepage. Chanting the naam daily and regularly will help you attain this sukh sehej. Guru ang sang,

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