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Summary of Question:Re: Concept Of Guru
Date Posted:Monday, 5/05/2003 9:41 PM MDT

This is not a question, but a reply to previously asked question.

"I have a muslim friend, he told me that the Guru Granth Saheb is composed of the words of a human(s), not a direct revelation of GOD, also, in Islam"

Your friend is 100% WRONG.

Every single word in Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a direct message from Waheguru. The proof is in Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

“Jaisi Main Aawe Khasam Ki Baani
Taisra Kari Giaan Ve Lalo” Sri Guru Granth Sahib (722)

As the Bani (revelation) comes to me from my Lord, so do I reveal, says Sri Guru Nanak Sahib.

“Bolaiya Boli Khasam Ka” Sri Guru Granth Sahib (74)

Sri Guru Arjan Sahib in Sri Rag says that he speaks what his Lord causes him to speak.

So now my friend, you can remove this doubt from your and your muslim friend's mind that "Guru Granth Saheb is composed of the words of a human(s), not a direct revelation of GOD".

First of all, ask your friend, how does he know what he said. Did he know the above mentioned gurbani tuks from Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Secondly, tell him what he said is the other way around: Koran is composed of the words of a human(s), not a direct revelation of God.

And now you will wonder how do I know. Well, in a second you will know too after you read the folling by Max Arthur Macauliffe, British Historian:

"The Sikh religion differs as regard the authenticity of its dogmas from other great theological systems. Many of the great teachers the world has known have not left a line of their own composition, and we only know what they taught through tradition or secondhand information. We know the teachings of the Socrates only through the writings of Plato and Xenophan. Buddha has left no written memorials of his teachings. Kung-fu-zu, known to Europeans as Confucius left no documents in which he detailed the principals of his moral and social system. The Founder of Christianity did not reduce his doctrines to writing and for them we are obliged to trust to the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Arabian Prophet did not himself reduce to writing the chapters of the Quran. They were written or compiled by his adherents and followers. But the compositions of the Sikh Gurus are preserved, and we know at first hand what they taught. They employed the vehicle of verse, which is generally unalterable by copyists, and we even become in time familiar with their different styles. No spurious compositions or extraneous dogmas can, therefore, be represented as theirs… As we shal see hereafter, it would be difficult to point to a religion of greater originality or to a more comprehensive ethical system."

Pay attention to "The Arabian Prophet did not himself reduce to writing the chapters of the Quran. They were written or compiled by his adherents and followers." Now you can tell your friend that Quran is written by human(s) and is NOT revelation from God. I know he will try to force his views onto you and try to say that Islam is the only true religion and Quran is the only true scripture, but it is not true. No one can harm or hurt your beliefs as long as you know the truth, and Sikhi is all about TRUTH that does not teach the concept of "Kafir" as it is taught in Islam. Unlike Islam, our Gurus taught us to accept diveristy and live in peace and harmoneyh with eveyone regardless of race, caste, or religion.

Now talk to your muslim friend and tell him the beauty of Sikhi. Do NOT expect or try to convence him, just get your point across and leave it up to him. And tell him whatever he said is completely nonsense. Sometimes people know the truth, but have hard time admitting it. He will know the truth in his heart, but he will still reject it. But you should be thankful to your Guru who gave you the opportunity to learn about Sikhi and bring it in your life.

bhul chuk di khima,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. The men who spoke the words that have been embodied in our living Guru, the Shabd Guru, the Siri Guru Granth SAhib were in Divine Union with God when they spoke, so to encapsulate the wonderful reply submitted above, the words of our Guru are not from "human" intellect, but are indeed, Divine revelation. What is also so marvelous about our Shabd Guru is that when you recite these same words, your consciousness is elevated, you get more than just an intellectual presentation, you are attuning yourself directly to that same divine source that inspired our Gurus and the Saints and Bhagats who supplied the words for Siri Guru Granth Sahib. blessings, SP

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