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Summary of Question:Excessive Sex/Masturbation
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/16/2004 2:02 PM MDT

I’m 22 years old male. Back in my 13-18 I used to masturbate a lot (daily). When I was in my 14 I developed acne on my face and back. I’m still having several spots on my back, but it doesn’t concerns me most. Besides when I had stopped to masturbate, I discovered that I’m not looking as young as I was. My face was pale, skin was loose. As I turned to ajurveda and other medicines, I catch that excessive sex/masturbation robs person of ojas. When I turned to yoga I discovered that while practicing it I felt and looked good, but... When I was practicing yoga, my drive was weak. I guess practicing yoga helped me to transform my sex energy to ojas or so. Is it possible? So even after I get one good thing seems I had to gave one as well. It felt like I managed with 50% of energy, when I’m practicing yoga my drive was depressed, although I felt and looked good and ass-backwards.

My question is – Can human fully restore his wasted ojas, is it possible to feel good and have strong drive after squandering ojas in the past?

Most important, I want to warn those who are in there 13-18 now. Don’t masturbate or have sex to often! Only now I’m understand how stupid I was not to listen to my bodies rhythm. Sex is not a toy, too much of it can lead to serious problems! God bless ya, take care!


Thank you for your posting. You make a very good point. Many men become "spent" at young ages from too much sex. Yes, yoga can help to rejuventate one's energy, but it may take a while. Be patient and diligent in your practice. Best, as you say, to not waste it in the first place. GTKK

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