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Summary of Question:Sau Sakhi In English?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/21/2001 2:35 AM MDT

I have recently listened to the stories told in the 'Sau Sakhi' via audio tape. Very interesting stories to which some are true and others require further investigations.

ie the story of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's first birth is true as it was actually told by himself.

Does anyone know of this text being printed in English and where it can be obtained from.

Thank you for your help


Sat Siri Akaal. No, Sau Sakhi is not in English, yet. There's something you should be aware of about this collection of 100 stories. It was written in the 1800s by Hindus for the Colonial British Government (when the Brits ruled India). It was not written with Gurbani in mind. Its predictions are written in the Hindu tradition, and are not in keeping with the spirit of Sikhi, which from the start disapproves of panditry and predictions. It was actually written to convince Sikhs that the British (were) the true rulers, because when the British first took over India, the Sikhs fought them long after others gave up and submitted to their rule. While it is literature, generally, it not considered to be true Sikh literature, and Sikh scholars therefore accord it no standing.
Guru rakha,

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