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Summary of Question:In Response To Forgiveness
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/13/2002 7:55 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

I strongly disagree that "Forgiveness" should not tell her future husband about her previous lover and the aborted child. The core of our Religion is Truth, GOD is Truth. Therefore to not tell her Future groom would just be putting a skeleton in her closet it would eventually come out anyway, and then he'll never have had the chance to make up his own mind as to whther or not he wanted to accept this issue. If they choose to have children someday the doctors will ask her when she gets pregnant if she has ever been pregnant before, and once she tells the doctor yes and the husband is unaware it could cause for disaster in their relationship, and possibly lead to divorce. This can all be avoided if she tells him before the get married, and this way he is not tricked into a false marriage, by believing his bride to be is a virgin, and if he truly loves her he will accept this issue, and perhaps he can also share with her his issues.



Sat Siri Akal.

Thank you for sharing another view point on this issue.

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