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Summary of Question:Hmmmmmmmm
Date Posted:Thursday, 11/02/2000 4:42 PM MDT

Sat siri Akaal! ke haal chal hai? Hey how are you? I hope everything is just marvelous for everyone. I have a question. My younger sister has been crying for the last 5 days now for no reason at all not all the time but when she starts she can't stop and she tries so hard to stop. She says she has no idea why she is crying. She says she doesn't have pain and she is not hurting anywhere. She says sometimes she feels like killing herself and she gets everyone scarred. What's going on? I am soo scared.

Thank you very much!

She must have stopped to answer your question. Right? Have her do 2 things.
1) have her drink 4 glasses of water...she is dehydrated. Make sure that she drinks at least 8 glasses of water every day. 2) have her hold her breath as long as she can (11 times or more)until she can get control over her emotions. This will stop the crying.

Her emotions are out of control and she should do the " one minute breath" every day for the next 90 days. Sit quietly and meditatively every day for 31 minutes. Breathe in through the nose to the count of 10 (sa ta na ma for each one of your fingers) hold for the count of ten, and then exhale slowly through the nose for the count of ten. Start with a shorter breath and work your way up to 20 second inhale, 20 seconds hold, 20 seconds exhale. Each day will be filled with balance and clarity.

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