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Summary of Question:Puranmasi
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/28/2002 10:45 PM MDT

wjkk wjkf

hi my name is gurjeet kaur, i was wondering if u could tell me what puranmasi? i know its when there;s a full moon, but why do ppl celebrate it? and why is it that some gurdware have a celebration for it, and some dont?

also, about sikhnet: is the sikhnet chat for free?


1.Puranmasi has no relation to the Sikh's as such. It is celebrated energetically by some because they like too. The full moon day can be a very emotional day for some and they like to go to the Gurdwara. Sikhs do not celebrate this day officially as it has nothing to do with our teachings.

If the Gurdwara is celebrating this day, it must be the choice of the administrator or president or somebody of that position.

2. I beleive that their is a small fee for the Sikhnet chat. Please check on your own.


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