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Summary of Question:Cotridiction About Birds In Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Date Posted:Friday, 5/09/2003 10:49 PM MDT

gujjri mahala 5 page 495 ggs

odde od awe so kosa tes pache bachre chhria--------
meaning is clear but those birds(ducks)do not leave behind any of their off spring in minus zero tempretures they are old enough to fly with their parents. the flying birds become young in 5-6 months.I have checked with concerned persons who have knowledge about birds.Will you please explain this and I will be very thankful to you

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I'm not a scholar, but I think the translation of "ducks" is incorrect. the translation I have read refers to another type of bird. The analogy's meaning is what is important, i.e. that God provides food and each creature learns somehow to survive only by God's will.

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Cotridiction About Birds In Sri Guru Granth Sahib (05/09/2003)
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