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Summary of Question:Alchohol In College?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 4/05/2004 12:01 PM MDT

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa

Wahe Guru JI Di Fateh

Sat Shree Akal.
I am almost into my fourth year in university here in states.When I left home and joined the university ,I was sure of one thing that no matter what happens I am not gonna fall into any bad habits.I was a perfect example of nn straying youth to by younger siblings.I excelled in my studies but ALAS!!
Last semester I started drinking Alchohol.I enjoyed it and it became a regular friday night event.My grades went down and now I really feel guilty for decieving myself.When I look back and analyze my mistake,I think the only reason I had alchohol was to fit in.Being the only turbaned sikh ,I always felt left out of things.I know its not an excuse and I accept that I could not avoid the temptation.Now I have made a strong vow ,of never to touch alchohol again.But am afraid I may do so in some social gathering,etc.Please advise me as to how can I fight this temptation and still fit in.


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

You can fit in just be being yourself and ordering a soda or something that is not alcoholic when you go out with your friends. Believe me, people do not like you or dislike you based on what you have to drink. People who are really your friends are friends because they like who you are as a person - what you have to say, the way you can joke around together, the way you come through for each other during a tough time. That is friendship.

So just be yourself and order a soda. Yoour real friends won't care and the people who care aren't real friends - so much the better.

By the way - good for you for realizing that you made a mis-step and for making the decision to correct it. That takes a lot of courage. Thanks for being a good example for the rest of us.

May the Guru guide your every step.



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