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Summary of Question:Swearin All D Time
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/06/2002 10:42 AM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Is it against our religion to swear. I always swear at skool and i know its wrong. i wanna stop but its hard. So have u any suggestions how 2 stoip ?

wjkk, wjkf

(REPLY) If you really, really want to stop swearing -- (be sure you definitely do want to stop it!?) then just realize that swearing is a habit. The more you do it, the more it becomes a pattern. But, like any other habit, you can change it! Just substitude a different habit. When you catch yourself swearing, or about to swear, be prepared with some alternative words (that are NOT swearwords) to use instead. Try to start each day with some meditation to clear your mind, especially to clear out your subconscious, which has all the swear words ready to jump ou! -- and practice sitting quietly at least a few minutes before school and with your eyes closed be aware of your breath, and think SAT as you inhale, and NAM as you exhale. Try to remember that combination during the day, and if you catch yourself swearing, then take a few long deep breaths accompanied by SAT NAM -- and keep trying to be aware and alert to your habit patterns. Swearing is ususally from habit when we don't have adequate words to express our frustration or anger -- so try to develop a better vocabulary! Another problem with swearing is that it's just plain rude and offensive -- not only to others, but to your own soul! You can change the habit if you really commit to changing it! Keep trying, and success will come. Meanwhile, pray for help and guidance from God and Guru. Blessings, SP

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