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Summary of Question:Does God Know Our Next Move
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/06/2002 1:57 AM MDT

Does God know what our next actions are going to be? Ive been reading the Gurbani of late and i can recall many reflections on how our destiny is pre-written by God. However im a little confused on the Actions that we may take, for instance is it ever possible to go against God's wishes?

Think about this example - im waiting at the traffic lights, i have a choice i can either go straight, take a left or right. Now does God already pre-determine my route or on the basis of my Action knows what happens if i turn right, go straight or turn left? Is it God that makes my decision or do i make the decision and God has alrady mapped out what happens depending on the action i take?

The point im getting at it is, i agree that our future is written for us, but i also agree that we need to action things in order for them to work out. What do you guys think and is there anywhere in the Gurbani that talks about our own Actions?

(REPLY) What you are really asking about is the age-old question of free will vs fate. However, there's another way to look at it,and that is that whatever we do, while we are in the human body, requires the breath of life, and that breath comes from God, therefore, God is enabling us to make choices. Think of it as there being multiple possibilities -- as if you want to travel from India to the United States. You could fly direct via Europe, or fly via Hong Kong. Or perhaps you could take a ship on the ocean, or go by land via Russia. The point is that there isn't just ONE choice available in God's divine plan -- we do have the ability to choose a righteous action -- or not -- and the way this creation was wet up, whatever we do brings consequences, and that is the karma that we create. In the greater scope of things, everything is God's will, yet God's potential is infinite. Our job on earth is to remember that we came from God, and to consciously reunite with that Infinite Divinity before we die. Yes, our Destiny is prewritten (on our foreheads!) but we also have the option to mess up and select our "fate" -- understand? God doesn't force us to do anything -- we usually act, however, like robots, simply re-acting, rather than consciously acting. That is why it is so important to meditate, recite Gurbani, and clear the mind so we can function from our highest wisdom and consciousness and fulfill the destiny for which we were born.. blessings, SP

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