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Summary of Question:A Thought
Date Posted:Monday, 11/10/2003 5:05 PM MST

Hi I Just wanted to know that u said the difference between a sikh and a khalsa is that a sikh is a seeker of truth and a khalsa is one who lives it. well then wut does the Sri guru granth sahib say about what should happen to a sikh if he or she cuts his hair and what is expected as his or her duty as a sikh? is he or she a sinner ? and one more q I have is one thing that I have noticed is that even though I live in america, sikh don't get all the freedom in india they deserve. So many times in movies esp indian, they will make fun of sikhs, show them as being dumb, or low class etc and even though they are like the third richest sociey there, I think its total racism, esp more cause Iam a sikh. I know I live here in the usa but I was wondering if u could give me advice on wut we can do as sikhs to stop them from doing that? I was born in india but india doesn't make me that proud,and its sad cuz the sikhs did so much for hindus and muslims. I gotta admit its a racist country.


Sat Siri Akal.

What's beautiful about the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is that all the words contained within it are pure wisdom. If you meditate on Gurbani, the Guru will teach you everything there is know about God, life, the universe - all the myseries of the Cretaor are right there. It only takes you to open your heart and understand it.

The Guru is not a Bible where there are lists of laws and, if you break the laws, you have committed a sin. The Guru is a very compassionate wisdom that points out what creates pain for us as humans, what guides us to peace and serenity, how to get there, what we can expect along the way and what mistakes we might make. But even in the face of mistakes - we are still loved and cherished.

The command to keep hair was given by Guru Gobind Singh as part of the Amrit ceremony and this command was built on traditions within the Sikh community beginning with Guru Nanak that those who want to know truth should keep their hair and not cut it.

As for the racism in India - it is very heart-breaking to see when other people make fun of our nobility. But it is a test of consciousness for us - to not react with anger and vengence. We are a fearless and vengeless people - Norbhao and Nirvair. So use your feelings as a way to conquer your own anger and fear, and then look to your own heart for the answer of what you can do to help the Sikh people.

I hope this has been helpful.

Much love,


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