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Summary of Question:Khalsa Day Parade 2002
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/28/2002 12:42 PM MDT


WHEN: APRIL 6th 2002
PURPOSE: To celebrate the 303 Anniversary of the Khalsa - SIKH UNITY and

From the Sewadars:

The Khalsa Day March is just a platform for us Sikhs to let people know
about our identity and Religion. It is also to let them know how united
all the Sikhs in America are as a community. We have already
demonstrated our unity when Mr. Balbir Singh Sodhi was killed, by coming
out in thousands to let the world know about Sikhism and its great
identity. Sikhism is the only Indian anti-terrorism religion, created to
secure the innocent people.

As everyone is concerned about terrorism and terrorist activities, we
need to let the American public know that Sikhs have nothing whatsoever to do
with terrorism. As we have seen after the 1984 assassination of Indira
Gandhi, all Sikhs were labelled as terrorists in India. We have to fight that again, because the Indian government has done nothing to protect us yet.

In the list that was supplied to the Pakistan Government, there are some
Sikhs listed in it as terrorists. It is only a matter of time that the
Indian government is going to come after us again. We also have the
burden to let the world know about the 1984 Sikh Holocaust, where over
100,000 Sikhs were purposely killed. Among the killed were innocent
women and little children that had nothing to do with Indira Gandhi's
assassination. This is a human rights topic that has been hidden from
the world. Many Indian people are rising their voice against injustices
in India now, so we Sikhs are not alone any longer.

Indian state terrorism is being revealed. This country grants you the
right to speak, so please come forth and use this right to educate people about
our identity and rights.

Due to the current situation this makes the Khalsa Day March even more
important and urgent for our American Sikh community. Let us take this
opportunity to inform people about Sikhism and its great teachings.

As you can remember that the first Khalsa Day March in DC was very
successful in 1999, because a lot of people helped out and worked
together for the common cause. There were close to 55,000 people at the
march. I hope that we all can also contribute to the march this year.


Harmohan Singh - [email protected]
Sunmit Singh - [email protected]

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