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Summary of Question:Pride Problem
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 10/10/2005 9:36 PM MDT


i have a problem: pride/ego...something that exists w/in everyone yet no one brings it up as the 5 things that we should avoid!!!!.....
to tell you the truth, and NOT to brag but just to explain my situation and problem...(hope you understand)i am overall a very good person. I am religious. I work hard in my studies (might not succedd always). I help w/parents. I am praised by society. I dont do anyhing that puts stains on my parents' name etc...but my problem is that sometimes pride enters my system and i dont know why but i hate that. i feel like an hypacrate sometimes bc i am good/religous but yet inside me still exists FASLE PRIDE that i am good etc. How can i get rid of this? this is a weird question i know but i need help bc one of the 5 thing we should try to avoid is ego/pride. i want to eventually permanently delete these 5 things so i can become one w/ it possible? how can i get rid of ego/pride????? infact, to tell you even more truth...i feel good/pride that i am even asking you this qeustion.....but my soul really wants to kill this feeling!!! please help!!! i dont understand these two very conflicting feelings!

thanks, i cant wait to get your respone!!!!!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yours is an interesting question. There may seem to be a conflict between pride (to be avoided) and self-esteem (to be encouraged!)Actually, it is not that complicated. The solution, I believe, is when we are able to remember that God is the Doer, God is the one living and breathing in us, and ... WAHE GURU JI KI FATEH, all Victory belongs to God. That way, we can be proud of any achievements that God allows us to make as human beings while still knowing that "we" have not done anything. Does that make sense to you? Making best efforts to succeed in everything we do, and yet offering the results to God, not taking personall "credit" perhaps is the solution to your problem. Being humble does not mean that you lose self-respect. If you are "good" -- it is God's gift to you; be grateful! An attitude of gratitude is very important to maintain, no matter whether you succeed or fail, win or lose in whatever you attempt -- it's known as accepting God's will. All we can do is make effort, and feel blessed when God and Guru enable us to make the effort! These are my thoughts on the subject. Blessings, SP

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