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Summary of Question:Orgin Of Humans From The Sikh Point Of View
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 4/02/2003 3:16 AM MDT

wahe guru ji ka khalsa, wahe guru ji ki fethe. I am a sikh from hong kong but currently furthering my education in the UK. I am a very strong believer of Sikh faith, but i have some questions in my mind. few days ago, I was talking to my muslim friend and she asked me alot of questions about my faith. I answered all of them, but when she asked me how did humans arrived, I hesitated and couldn't answer that. I know how everything arrived scientifically, but what did our Gurus said about it? I have been searching for the answer but there is nothing about it on the net.

wahe guru ji ka khalsa, wahe guru ji ki fethe.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Sikhi doesn't have a long and detailed creation story the way Christianity or Islam do. Sikhi simply acknowledges that there is ONE creator of the Creation (Ik Ong Kaar). That all that exists is created by this CREATOR. In Japji Sahib, you see it in the mul mantra, and in the pauri "Pataala Pataal Lakh Agassa Agas" etc. All of the creation is under Ik Ong Kaar's Hukum (pauree 2 + 3 of Japji). Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to bicker over details of creation the way scientists and religious fundamentalists do in the USA ('creationism vs. evolution')?

See also this Pauree by Guru Amar Das (ang 508)"PAUREE: He created Himself - at that time, there was no other. He consulted Himself for advice, and what He did came to pass. At that time, there were no Akaashic Ethers, no nether regions, nor the three worlds. At that time, only the Formless Lord Himself existed- there was no creation. As it pleased Him, so did He act; without Him, there was no other. || 1 ||" So Sikh Gurbani acknowledges many levels and worlds of existence, but doesn't try to assign time frames and characters to the activity that was the creation of the universe.
Guru ang sang,

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