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Summary of Question:The Significance Of Hola Mohalla And Its' Role In Modern Society Today.
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/23/2002 10:52 AM MDT

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a Hindu student currently taking the GCSE Hinduism/Sikhism course for this year. For the coursework in Sikhism, we have been given 8 specific titles to write about- the 8th being on Hola Mohalla. Sadly, I know nothing about the festival, and have only barely heard it's name! I was wondering if you could help me, as the coursework insists that I have to:

1. explain the significance of Hola Mohalla,
2. how it promotes Sikh beliefs,
3. how today it plays an important role in Sikhism.

If you could answer a few, if not all these queries I have, I would be very grateful. Only now am I finding out about Sikhism, it's roots, it's history and it's culture. It certainly is a interesting and glorious religion.

Thankyou once again,

Niraj Dave.
Holla Mahalla was started by Guru Gobind Singh during his residence in Anandpursahib. He started this observence in response to Holi. Holi is and was a very popular spring festival which all Indian's celebrate. The celebration consists of throwing colored paints and dye on each other.

Guru Gobind Singh turned these days into an expression of mastery and expertise. He enjoined his followers to celebrate Holla Mahalla. This consisted of Gatka (Punjabi sword fighting) competitions, games, turban tying competitions,and all day kirtan(music) performances in the Gurdwara.

I do not know the exact date of the first was most likely in the late 1600's.

God bless you,

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The Significance Of Hola Mohalla And Its' Role In Modern Society Today. (03/23/2002)
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