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Summary of Question:Answer For The 10Th Guru And Kal Ki Avtar
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/04/2002 4:35 AM MDT

Regarding Kal Ki Avtar.

I have had the opportunity to listen to the complete passage and its meaning by Dham Dhami Taksal over a 40 day period. The sakhi written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and tells of the distant future. Kal ki Avtar will come to this earth towards the end of Kaljug and he will be the Avtar of Vishnu. He will actually be the 24th Avtar. Please note that the Guru's are not included in this as they were not Avtars, But because he will come in Kaljug he will be a Sikh as This Jug is controlled by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He will not be Guru Gobind Singh Ji. According to Philosiphers there are still thousands of years to go to the end of Kaljug, as we are only in the beginning of Kaljug and nowhere near its end. However, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Did say that he will send his Khalsa when he feel it necesssry to ensure that we stay on a righteous path.

However, as the mediator of Sikhnet said, Guru Gobind Singh Ji is already with us in the form of Guru Granth Sahib Ji our living Guru.

I hope the above answers the question raised as I feel we should give direct answers to questions asked especially ones regarding actual text from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Dasam Granth Sahib Ji, so as not to confuse people.


Harminder Singh


Sat Siri Akal.

Thanks Harminder Singh ji for sharing your study and experience of the Dasam Granth Sahib. In terms of the Kalijug (I wish I could remember the passage), I read in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib that the recitation of Gurbani can bring the Kalijug to an end at any time. As Khalsa, we are not subject to prophecy, and Gurbani, itself, has the power to end the Kalijug and usher in the Sat Yug when we choose to use it. So-it is ultimately our power of prayer that will determine when the Kaliyug ends, when peace begins and when the spirit of Guru Gobind Singh will reign on the earth.

This is, of course, just my humble opinion based on my limited understanding of Gurbani.

God bless.


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